Alternative Health Care
  • Call Us: +256 702 152 152, +256 779 519 652
  • Level 2, RM 152, Equatorial Mall, Bombo Road.

Alternative Health Care

We use natural remedies to impact health boosting the bodies immune system.

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    Stevia Powder

    Suspendisse tincidunt quam ut dapibus iaculis. Morbi a ultricies elit. Vestibulum euismod massa in lectus dignissim.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed quis ante condimentum, pulvinar lorem eget libero.

    Stevia Liquid

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed quis ante condimentum, pulvinar lorem eget libero.
  • Dolor sed sem nulla, pulvinar sit amet quam nec, tristique vehicula leo. Donec ullamcorper quam vitae justo et venenatis.

    Cinnamon Etract Oil

    Dolor sed sem nulla, pulvinar sit amet quam nec, tristique vehicula leo. Donec ullamcorper quam vitae justo et venenatis.
  • Donec ultricies porttitor pretium. Quisque pharetra, arcu et sagittis lutpat, urna risus bibendum augue, est dui.

    Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

    Donec ultricies porttitor pretium. Quisque pharetra, arcu et sagittis lutpat, urna risus bibendum augue, est dui.

We’re a team of health care professionals with generations of combined experience and one goal - helping you create your best health and quality of life.

At Prof Bioresearch we offer a unique approach to your health and wellness by looking at the whole person - mind, emotions and body. We have a team of highly trained, multidisciplinary practitioners and we work with you to develop a tailored treatment plan. We don’t believe that any one treatment will treat the whole person, so we utilise a combination of different treatments to get the best results.

“You know what they call alternative medicine that's been proved to work? - Medicine.”


The need for research in the autoimmune area is dire and great. Prof bioresearch produces content across all media platforms to reach the masses. Putting autoimmune back into daily conversations is paramount to provoking movement in research.


Our team as prof bioresearch professionals put their unique skills to use creating a multitude of educational tools to make a real difference. Join us and see what can be accomplished when you get an impassioned team to focus on change. Professor Omukenkufu Nyanzi Julius goes a head to have radio and TV programmes on weekly basis to teach the masses.


Our community is full of people who want to help. We work to help the people providing products and services connect with the people who need them

What We Do

AWAKE. EDUCATE & PROVOCATE. Prof bioresearch raises awareness through multimedia content generation and distribution. Omukenkufu Nyanzi Julius develops and deploys educational media and resources based on real-world results. Provoking research in both Eastern and Western medicine is key to streamlining paths to diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune. Prof bioresearch does this every day.

How We Do It

We research and develop relationships and research treatment practitioners and patients in the autoimmune community and bring them together. Generating content from interviews with doctors, healers, patients and advocates we bring the conversation back into the homes of the masses.

Learn more

We’re a team of health care professionals with generations of combined experience and one goal - helping you create your best health and quality of life.

We’re a team of health care professionals with generations of combined expe

Nyanzi Julius (born 10 August 1990) simply known as Omukenkufu is a Ugandan B

We’re a team of health care professionals with generations of combined expe

'In stevia, I found my second job and career.' Says Omukenkufu Nyanzi Julius<